Stanley no. 122 Combination Square

Today a rather simple reconditioning to a Stanley no. 122, 12 inch Combination Square which was found inside the discarded vintage toolbox that at the time of this writing, is in the final stages of refurbishing.

This Stanley Combination Square is vintage as well. In my research online from what I've read this far this tool is 1950's or 60's maybe. And since it has a yellow level bubble it's supposedly a later model. Those aren't confirmed facts, just what I've read others claiming about it. If you know for sure about the production date of this particular Stanley Combination Square, feel free to comment.

It was rusted over but not too to bad. Mainly the rule had rusted. A simple short vinegar bath took care of that. Along with some hand polishing.

Surface rust removal and a clean up on the main part of the tool which entailed full disassembly and polish off all the parts including the brass.

Very quick process over all. No before pics, but this is what it looked like after competition.

I like the little brass and steel scribe that fits in the bottom. It seems well made, in checking it, it's true.

Between the two, the Mini Torpedo Level I refinished and this Stanley Combination Square I've got a couple decent tools. It's starting to make for a nice little tool set.

And to add to the toolset also in the toolbox was a Remington Hardware Company "4 Tools in 1" Stud Finder that I gave a quick cleaning to.

Though I couldn't find anything on the history of it or the company to date it, and I have seen them before, I take it it's from the same era as the other tools that were within the toolbox. Sometime between the 50's and 70's is my guesstimate.

It states 4 Tools in 1. I can see there's 3, the compass, the magnifier, the stud finder, but I'm hard pressed to see a 4th tool. Unless their considering a key chain as the fourth "tool". In any case, though the magnifier looks like it's pretty much useless. As a stud finder or compass, it does work. It found several stud screws in a metal stud construction wall like a champ, so it'll add nicely to the tool set.

That's all for today.

Till next time,
Stay creative, stay Happy.

