Woven Wire Mesh in C4D R13

From my Google site originally, but I moved it here as I'm working on my blog again.
There were no tutorials I could find on the web at the time of this writing that I could find on how to create a woven wire mesh or how to weave something in C4D, let alone R13.
So I struck out on my own and started experimenting hoping to figure it out by myself.

Cinema 4D is new to me and I to it, so... it's trial and error on this.

The below image is the first technique I tried to create the wire weave.
I used a Sine wave to create a 100cm x100cm square weave.
Added a cloner to make the larger mesh.
And the result was what I would call a "loose wire weave". 
It can be tightened up but I wanted to see how it reacted to dynamics and scaling before going further.

This image is a result of three experiments or rather one experiment and me playing around actually.
First I was trying to create a woven wire mesh as stated above.
Second I started playing with a plane and messing around with textures
Third I started experimenting with textures and the sphere.

Anyhow back to the wire weave.
I played with it quite a bit.
I found it does well on a straight flat plane as you see it above.
And I can see many uses for this style of creating woven wire or woven wood planks, bamboo, etc, etc and I tried out a few.
(I render out some pics over the next couple days)
And I'll do more experimenting with it as is but..

Problems come into play with the way it's made when using dynamics and/or trying to scale it and curved surfaces.
And though it makes for some cool abstracts it's not what I'm looking for or need so...

So back to the drawing board.
I'll post more on this soon.


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